French Town Names Generator – NamesWhisperer

If you’re searching for a delightful and authentic French town name for your story, project, or game, look no further.

Our French town names generator is designed to help you find the perfect name that evokes the charm and character of France.

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Whether you need a name for a picturesque village, a bustling city, or a quaint countryside hamlet, this tool offers a variety of options that capture the essence of French culture and scenery.

Explore our generator to discover a unique and memorable name that will bring your vision to life.

Read Also: German Town Names Generator

50+ Best French Town Names

Here are 50+ best French town names with their meanings explained in one line:

  1. Bellevue – Beautiful view
  2. Montclair – Clear mountain
  3. Saint-Étienne – Named after Saint Stephen
  4. Rivière-Bleue – Blue river
  5. Beausoleil – Beautiful sun
  6. Fontainebleau – Beautiful fountain
  7. Pont-de-Loup – Bridge of the wolf
  8. Châteauneuf – New castle
  9. Villefranche – Free town
  10. Saint-Laurent – Named after Saint Lawrence
  11. Lac-du-Bonnet – Lake of the cap
  12. La Roche – The rock
  13. Bois-des-Filion – Forest of Filion
  14. Saint-Michel – Named after Saint Michael
  15. Notre-Dame – Our Lady
  16. Montagne-Verte – Green mountain
  17. Vieux-Port – Old port
  18. Saint-Jean – Named after Saint John
  19. Côte-d’Or – Golden coast
  20. Port-Louis – Port of Louis
  21. Terrebonne – Good land
  22. Beaumont – Beautiful mountain
  23. Coulon – Little hill
  24. Sainte-Rose – Named after Saint Rose
  25. Lac-aux-Sables – Lake with sands
  26. Grand-Pré – Large meadow
  27. Saint-Amand – Named after Saint Amand
  28. Ville-Marie – Town of Mary
  29. Clermont – Clear mountain
  30. Rochefort – Strong rock
  31. Bellefontaine – Beautiful fountain
  32. Saint-Louis – Named after Saint Louis
  33. Montmorency – Mountain of Morency
  34. Beaulieu – Beautiful place
  35. Port-Joli – Pretty port
  36. Val-des-Lacs – Valley of the lakes
  37. Saint-Sauveur – Named after Saint Savior
  38. Saint-Germain – Named after Saint Germain
  39. Sainte-Anne – Named after Saint Anne
  40. La Flèche – The arrow
  41. Saint-Félix – Named after Saint Felix
  42. Saint-Pascal – Named after Saint Pascal
  43. Cap-Chat – Cape cat
  44. Côteaux – Hills
  45. Saint-Léonard – Named after Saint Leonard
  46. Sainte-Adèle – Named after Saint Adele
  47. Saint-Vincent – Named after Saint Vincent
  48. Saint-Thomas – Named after Saint Thomas
  49. Belle-Isle – Beautiful island
  50. Val-d’Or – Valley of gold
  51. Notre-Dame-de-Grâce – Our Lady of Grace
  52. Les Sables-d’Olonne – The sands of Olonne
  53. Moulins – Mills
  54. Les Andelys – The Andelys
  55. La Roche-sur-Yon – The rock on the Yon

These names not only carry a touch of French charm but also reflect various aspects of nature, history, and spirituality.

French town names generator

Unique French Town Names

Here is a list of unique French town names, each with a touch of creativity and charm:

  1. Lys-en-Bois – Lily in the woods
  2. Château-de-Ciel – Castle in the sky
  3. Clairvaux – Clear valley
  4. Montagne-Lumineuse – Luminous mountain
  5. Rivière-Étoilée – Starry river
  6. Bellemontagne – Beautiful mountain
  7. Vignoble-Verde – Green vineyard
  8. Bois-de-Saphir – Sapphire woods
  9. Vallée-d’Or – Valley of gold
  10. Chantemerle – Singing blackbird
  11. Fontaine-des-Rêves – Fountain of dreams
  12. Roche-Émeraude – Emerald rock
  13. Forêt-Argentée – Silver forest
  14. Douceville – Sweet town
  15. Port-Élysée – Port of Elysium
  16. Étoile-sur-Mer – Star on the sea
  17. Verdelune – Green moon
  18. Terres-Lointaines – Distant lands
  19. Brise-des-Champs – Breeze of the fields
  20. Monts-de-Saphir – Sapphire mountains
  21. Jardin-Mystique – Mystical garden
  22. Cœur-de-Ciel – Heart of the sky
  23. Rivière-Dorée – Golden river
  24. Lac-Serein – Serene lake
  25. Bourg-des-Fleurs – Town of flowers
  26. Merveilleville – Marvel town
  27. Bois-des-Lucioles – Forest of fireflies
  28. Ciel-Argenté – Silver sky
  29. Écume-Blanche – White foam
  30. Port-Mirage – Mirage port
  31. Val-des-Légendes – Valley of legends
  32. Rêvillon – Little dream
  33. Montagne-Enchantée – Enchanted mountain
  34. Clair-de-Lune – Moonlight
  35. Brise-des-Vagues – Breeze of the waves
  36. Mont-de-Roses – Mountain of roses
  37. Port-des-Mystères – Port of mysteries
  38. Cœur-de-Rivière – Heart of the river
  39. Éclat-des-Étoiles – Starshine
  40. Forêt-des-Souvenirs – Forest of memories
  41. Montagne-Dorée – Golden mountain
  42. Fontaine-des-Nuages – Fountain of clouds
  43. Lac-Merveilleux – Wonderful lake
  44. Val-de-Jade – Valley of jade
  45. Bois-des-Murmures – Whispering woods
  46. Montagne-d’Azur – Azure mountain
  47. Éclat-de-Lune – Moonshine
  48. Ciel-Riant – Laughing sky
  49. Chant-du-Vent – Song of the wind
  50. Rivière-des-Perles – River of pearls

These names evoke a sense of magic, beauty, and mystery, perfect for giving a unique and enchanting touch to any setting.


Using a French town names generator is a fun and quick way to discover charming and diverse places across France. Whether for travel planning, research, or just curiosity, it helps you explore the unique character of different towns, from quaint villages to vibrant cities. Dive into the rich culture and history of France with just a few clicks.

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